Patient Education

Palmetto Ophthalmology Associates would like to be your partner in health care. Feel free to ask your questions and share your concerns with us. We will work with you to develop a wellness program for the care and treatment you need.

We welcome you to our practice and look forward to caring for you.

Palmetto Ophthalmology Associates provides a full range of medical services including the following:

Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye; cataract surgery is performed to improve vision by replacing the clouded lens with an artificial one. Cataracts affect millions of people in the United States each year. Most cataracts are the result of aging, though some form as a result of genetic factors, disease or injury. Cataract surgery is common, and considered safe and effective. ...


Contact Lenses

A contact lens is a thin, convex disc that floats on the surface of the eye, providing vision correction. With advances in optical technology, most people can use contact lenses, regardless of the type or extent of their vision problems. This includes patients with astigmatism, and those who need bifocal or multifocal lenses. In some cases, however, contact lenses are contraindicated. ...


Corneal Dystrophies

Corneal dystrophies describe a number of eye conditions in which there is an abnormal build-up of cloudy material on the cornea. When these substances accumulate, light cannot be focused properly, which affects images being processed by the brain.

Common Characteristics of Dystrophies

Most corneal dystrophies are inherited and involve both eyes. Some of the other items they share are: ...


Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes. The length of time a person has diabetes determines his or her likelihood of developing diabetic retinopathy. It is the most common diabetic eye complication, and a leading cause of blindness in American adults. Diabetic retinopathy causes the blood vessels that supply nourishment to the retina, the light-sensitive lining in the back of the eye where vision is focused, to weaken, swell and leak, causing a loss of vision. ...



Glaucoma is a group of related diseases that damage the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss and possible blindness. Many people affected with glaucoma do not experience symptoms, and may not be aware that they have the disease until they have lost a significant amount of vision. With early detection and treatment, however, eyes can be protected against the serious loss of vision or blindness. Catching glaucoma at an early, treatable stage is one important reason to have regular, thorough eye examinations. A leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in the United States, glaucoma affects patients of all ages. ...



Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye, is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the white part of the eyeball. The inflammation affects the blood vessels in the eye and gives the eye a pink or red appearance. Pink eye can be caused by either a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction, a foreign object in the eye or a blocked tear duct. Pink eye can be contagious, so proper diagnosis and prompt treatment are important. ...


Optical Shop

In addition to the comprehensive ophthalmology services we provide, our practice features an optical center with a wide array of eyeglass frames and contact lenses to suit every look and budget. Patients can choose frames from many elite designers, as well as stylish yet affordable alternatives. In addition, we carry a full line of frames for children and teens and a great selection of athletic eyewear. Our convenient onsite location eliminates the hassle of having to take your prescription to another location in order to fill your vision correction needs. ...


Penetrating Keratoplasty

Penetrating keratoplasty (PKP), also referred to as a corneal transplant or corneal graft, is the surgical removal of a damaged or diseased portion of the cornea, followed by the implantation of healthy tissue from a donated human cornea, which is usually obtained from an eye bank. The cornea is the clear covering of the front of the eye that refracts (bends) light rays as they enter the eye. If visual acuity is compromised because the cornea is not shaped properly or is clouded from injury, infection or disease, PKP may be recommended. The cornea has five layers; during PKP, all five layers are replaced with donor tissue. ...



A pterygium is a painless, non-cancerous growth of the conjunctiva, the lining that covers the white part of the eye. The pterygium may grow on the cornea, which covers the iris, the colored part of the eye. A pterygium usually begins at the nasal side of the eye and can be different colors, including red, pink, white, yellow or gray. ...


Surgical Treatment for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease in which pressure inside the eye, also known as intraocular pressure, rises to a level that causes damage to the optic nerve causing vision loss or blindness. Clear eye fluid is produced by the ciliary body which enters the eye and drains out of the eye through tiny passages known as the trabecular meshwork. People with glaucoma are unable to drain the fluid effectively which results in a rise of intraocular pressure. ...


About Our Physicians

We provide the highest standard of care to our patients. With years of experience practicing medicine, we are renowned for our skill in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of conditions and disorders. Our doctors and our entire medical staff are always ready to provide expertise, experience and compassion to each and every one of our patients. ...


YAG Laser Surgery

YAG laser surgery is the most up-to-date form of treatment for several eye conditions. Most commonly, it is performed to treat cataracts and several types of glaucoma. The surgery, which utilizes advanced laser techniques, is precise, safe and often highly successful.

YAG Laser Surgery for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease in which fluid in the eye builds up and damages the optic nerve. There are two basic types of glaucoma: open angle and closed angle. The angle refers to the area between the iris and cornea, through which fluid escapes. The success rate for YAG laser glaucoma surgery varies with the nature and stage of the disease. Since glaucoma is a disorder in which there is high pressure in the fluid of the eye, the surgical procedure is designed to promote drainage. At times, YAG surgery may effect an almost complete lowering of eye pressure, but in many cases prescribed eye drops will still be required. Surgeries which result in symptom relief for one to five years are considered successful. Following are three types of YAG surgery for glaucoma: ...


Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of vision loss in individuals over the age of 50. The name of the condition derives from its cause: damage to the macula, the most sensitive spot on the retina, required for clarity in the center of the visual field. The macula transmits electrical signals through the optic nerve to the brain. Damage to the macula results in retinal tissue degeneration that gradually worsens, diminishing or destroying central vision. ...



Each year, cataracts affect millions of people, including more than half of all Americans aged 60 and older. A cataract is a painless clouding of the eye's natural lens that is caused by a buildup of protein. A cataract can form in one or both eyes. If left untreated, cataracts worsen over time and interfere with everyday activities such as reading or driving. Night vision is usually most affected. When cataracts are in their early stages, people are helped by brighter lighting. As cataracts get worse, however, most people require surgery. ...


Comprehensive Eye Care

Our practice provides comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages. Our services include treatment for a wide range of conditions such as:

  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic eye
  • Dry eye
  • Macular degeneration
  • Cataract care

We also perform surgery for the following conditions: ...


Corneal Disease

The cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, is designed to both transmit and focus light rays as they enter the eye. There are many diseases that can affect the cornea, causing pain or loss of vision. Disease, infection or injury can cause the cornea to swell, known as edema, or degrade the cornea to the point that vision diminishes. Because the cornea must remain transparent to optimize vision, it contains no blood vessels, receiving its nourishment from tears and the aqueous humor, the fluid found in the anterior portion of the eye. ...


Corneal Transplant

The cornea, which is the transparent covering on the eye's front wall, is designed to both transmit and focus light rays as they enter the eye. If the cornea is not shaped properly or is somehow clouded, whether because of injury, infection or disease, visual acuity is compromised, and a transplant may be recommended. ...


Diabetic Eye Disease

Patients with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing eye conditions as a complication their disease. Over 40 percent of patients diagnosed with diabetes develop some form of eye disease as a result of their disease. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and the primary cause of blindness in the United States. ...


Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition in which the eyes are insufficiently lubricated, leading to itching, redness and pain. The eyes can become dry and irritated because the tear ducts are not producing a sufficient number of tears, or because there is a chemical imbalance in the tears themselves. Natural tears require a particular chemical balance to lubricate the eyes efficiently. ...


Emergency Eye Care

Emergency care may be required for trauma to the eye as a result of an accident, scratch, puncture or contamination, as well as for any sudden onset of troubling symptoms, including redness, pain, swelling and visual impairment. It is essential for anyone experiencing these symptoms, after a traumatic eye event, to seek immediate medical attention in order to reduce the risk of vision loss and other types of permanent damage. ...


Endothelial Keratoplasty

An endothelial keratoplasty is an alternative type of corneal transplant, a surgical procedure that removes the abnormal inner lining of the cornea, known as the endothelium, and replaces it with a donor cornea.

The cornea is the clear covering of the front of the eye which bends, or refracts, light rays as they enter the eye. If the cornea is not shaped properly or is somehow clouded, whether because of injury, infection or disease, visual acuity is compromised, and a corneal transplant may be recommended. ...


Intraocular Lenses

An intraocular lens (IOL) is an artificial replacement lens implanted when a patient's natural lens has been surgically removed during cataract surgery. A wide variety of replacement lenses is available to cataract patients. Each type of lens has its own advantage for post-surgery vision, The most effective lens to use depends on the patient's preferences and particular vision goals, which can differ according to individual occupations and lifestyles. IOLs often eliminate the need for glasses or contacts after cataract surgery, conveniently providing most patients with clear vision. ...


On-Site Optical Shop

In addition to providing comprehensive ophthalmology services, an optical center, featuring a wide array of eyeglass frames and contact lenses to suit every budget, is located on site. Patients can choose frames from many elite designers, as well as stylish yet affordable alternatives. In addition, there is a full line of frames for children and teens, and a great selection of athletic eyewear. The convenient on-site location eliminates the hassle of having to take a prescription to another location to get it filled. ...


Prescription Eyeglasses

More than 140 million people in the United States wear eyeglasses. Eyeglasses improve vision by adjusting the way the eyes bend and focus light. Ideally, light rays are refracted, or bent, as they pass through the cornea so that they focus on the retina in the back of the eye. In a healthy eye, this means that objects can be seen clearly. Most people have corneas that have a shallow or steep curvature which causes light rays to focus in front of or behind the retina. Objects may then appear blurry at certain distances or at all distances. ...


Treatment of Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when the eyes are insufficiently moisturized, leading to itching, redness and pain from dry spots on the surface of the eye. The eyes may become dry and irritated because the tear ducts don't produce enough tears, or because of a chemical imbalance in the tears. ...


Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty

Selective laser trabeculoplasty, or SLT, is an FDA-approved laser procedure for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma. SLT is an advanced treatment option that lowers eye pressure and increases fluid drainage. It is minimally-invasive and uses low levels of energy to selectively pinpoint the areas of the trabecular meshwork, relieving the symptoms of glaucoma. If needed, the procedure can be repeated several times without causing damage to surrounding tissue. ...


Premium Lens Implants

A wide range of replacement lenses are available to cataract patients, each offering different advantages for post-surgery vision. The most effective lens to use depends on the patient's individual preferences and goals for their vision. The lenses eliminate the need for glasses or contacts after cataract surgery, providing most patients with convenient, effective results for their specific vision conditions. ...


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